It is now a little over three years from the day I started working on my then favorite painting. A friend of mine, who we will only refer to as Mike A. (No wait that’s too obvious), M. Amin pointed me in the direction of a South Park Studio competition. They were looking for fan art and the winners would end up on display at the 2011 Comicon in San Diego. The project was due in 7 days which was nearly impossible to meet, but I took it as a personal challenge. Winning meant that my work would gain a lot of exposure. Losing meant that I wouldn’t get a chance to wear green fluo spandex at Comicon. Failure was not an option!

Major Boobage Sketch
My project started by going through a 10 hour South Park marathon. I knew that to win, I needed to set myself apart from the competition. Most people were likely to concentrate on the main characters or the popular scenes from the show. I decided to skip all of that and go for the obscure. The result? A sketch inspire by the episode called Major Boobage.
With the sketch finally done, I only had 6 days to complete the actual painting. My secret weapon? The lack of a social life. I decided to document the project with my very first time lapse video just in case I’d end up dying of exhaustion. As a side note, an HD Samsung video camera in 2011 seems to be the equivalent of stop-motion animation when compared to today’s gear.
I managed to complete the piece, painted on Egyptian papyrus, a few hours before the deadline. It was selected by the South Park team and was awarded best of show. Unfortunately, I was unable to attend Comicon that year, which means that my green fluo leotard remains unworn.
Note to self: Purchase Comicon Tickets 80 months in advance.
Fast forward to 2014 and it looks like this favorite painting of mine will make another appearance at the Montreal Erotic Art Festival’s Retrospective event. Make sure you head over to Foufounes Électriques in Montreal this August 7th for the opening.
Here are the event details and I hope to see you there!